FinTechs by Category
On our financial platform "" we provide a stunning service to our users. Here financial data gets analyzed and refined. With access to over 55+ exchanges and over 50.000+ stocks, we will bring in a new way and experience to discover the stock market. A key feature will be our iSqore, which will help to understand the strength and weaknesses of any company.
flatexDEGIRO AG operates one of the leading and fastest-growing online brokerage businesses in Europe, executing millions of paperless securities transactions per annum.
Invest your money strategically in stocks, ETFs and crypto. Follow Master strategies with one click or design your own strategy with your choice of Star-Traders and Star-Investors .
Provider-independent fund broker.
Fortecircle360 is Financial markets broker that offers Automated trading solutions and trading Signals to clients to make their trading experience stress free.
Fosun Hani is a financial platform and leading all-round investment banking platform in Hong Kong.
Our stock trading strategy is based on the artificial intelligence (AI) system, with the goal of increasing returns and reducing risks.
Frontier provides a set of Finance & Trading applications that includes the solution of HKEx Connectivity, HKEx Stock & Warrant Monitors, HKEx Market Data Feed, Quant Analytics, Algorithmic & Market Making Technology etc.
Fundlr is a big data and AI driven Fintech company.
Futu Securities is an online brokerage platform that enables Chinese individual investors to trade U.S. and Hong Kong-listed stocks.
Garlican is a FinTech software company that aims at reinventing and popularizing the retail trading experiences. Founded by a team of software engineers from San Jose and quantitative analysts in HK, Garlican created its trading language Gython in 2019.
Gekko Lab is an award-winning Hong Kong-based data company for financial intelligence and investigation, whose knowledge management software enhances users’ capability to detect and manage risks using data analytics. Gekko Lab was founded in 2016 and is headquartered in Hong Kong. Our customers cover regulators, stock exchanges and professional services firms.
Goldmarie Finanzen is a green fintech. In the future, private investors will be able to use our web platform to build sustainable optimized stock portfolios.