Exploring Tech & Innovation opportunities through Dubai

The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and Fintech Consult invite you to join a webinar on opportunities in our respective markets. The discussion will highlight regional market dynamics as well as technology and investment opportunities.


FinBank Innovation Conference & Expo 2021

Kigali Convention Centre KG 2 Roundabout, Kigali, Rwanda

Finbank Innovation Conference & Expo 2021 is the right platform to stimulate collaborations and inclusion of the new technologies, this is an opportunity for Fintech Startups and other Fintech Companies looking to launch new products on the African market.


GBA Blockchain Week 2021

Greater Bay Area Blockchain Week 2021 is the premier virtual event for an international audience passionate about technology, education, and business. A week-long event will convene thousands of online viewers to the brightest spot on today’s global financial map, and compliment GBA’s status of the world’s leading and most quickly developing business and technological cluster. The event, including the core 2-day summit, will be broadcasted globally and in China.


Künstliche Intelligenz und Finance – wie sieht die Zukunft von Investment und Trading aus?

Robo-advisors, market sentiment, chatbots and the like: many processes at banks, asset managers and stock exchanges are already being automated today. But what role does artificial intelligence (AI) play in this context? Which AI applications can already be found in practice today – and which developments will follow? Which opportunities need to be exploited and which risks need to be mitigated?


FinTech Junction

FinTech Junction brings together fintech, technology, and business leaders, from the world’s top banks, financial institutions, and technology companies to discuss the latest technologies, solutions, and innovation disrupting financial services, and connect, inspire and create new learning and growth opportunities.


Virtual FinTech Forum

VFF are delighted to bring to you “Virtual FinTech Forum 2021”, a full day Fintech conference that will provide insights and curated thought leadership on the core themes of Fintech for Industry 4.0 and Fintech & ESG.


Crypto Assets Conference 2021

Affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and current regulative efforts, digital assets are experiencing a boost in popularity on private and institutional levels. This comprises a huge spectrum of crypto assets, like Bitcoin and decentralized finance, digital securities and their infrastructure as well as the digital euro and identity – all based on decentralized networks.


Amsterdam FinTech Week

Amsterdam Fintech Week, in short XFW, gathers all stakeholders and players active in the ecosystem of digital finance.
The goal is to connect players within the European Fintech space and to involve key stakeholders to participate. While enabling the market to do it’s work, we also want to explore how we can make financial services more accessible, understandable and impactful.

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Fintech Abu Dhabi – The Search – Netherlands

Between June and October 2021, the Fintech Abu Dhabi Innovation Team searches the globe for the most innovative and inspiring fintech startups. Throughout each global tour stop, attendees hear from founders of the world's most exciting, early stage fintech startups in a series of pitching competitions. The winners of each pitching competition are invited to attend the main Fintech Abu Dhabi festival in November 2021.
