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Analytics firm making giant strides in the blockchain ecosystem by providing AI enabled securing services that protects the ecosystem integrity, with a cross-functional team of experts backed by the leaders in the industry.

Blockchain Asia

We connect Blockchain projects, experts and investors - between Europe and Asia, the most dynamic market for new groundbreaking technologies.

Blockchain Helix

Blockchain Technology and architecture for WEB x.0 - An Internet of values and transactions.

Blockchain Solutions

Blockchain Solutions Limited is focusing on R&D of FinTech services that leverage the power of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), and customizing Blockchain and crypto-currencies solution for institutions.

Blockdaemon Germany

Blockdaemon is the leading independent blockchain node infrastructure to stake, scale, and deploy nodes with institutional-grade security and monitoring.

BlockState – finEasy

Security token platform for non-bankable assets such as SME equity and debt or real estate. We digitize assets to directly connect issuers and investors.




Black Manta Capital Partners® are a BaFin regulated and MiFID II compliant one-stop-agency for all technical, financial, and legal aspects of Tokenization. Our mission is to set a global standard for Security Token Offerings (STO). Any kind of securities: equity in startups and small and medium-sized companies, as well as funds, real estate projects and commodities.




Bank of One develops digital banking products based on the blockchain. We generate and serve new investor structures, which from now on can manage their assets and personal data themselves and decentralized.

brainbot technologies

brainbot technologies is a Blockchain Development Studio. We are creating the core building blocks that enable broad adoption of public blockchains with a focus on Ethereum.


Carbonbase was started in 2019 by a team of passionate technologists, designers, and finance professionals who were deeply concerned about the urgency of effective climate change action.

Cash on Ledger Technologies

CashOnLedger provides the technical infrastructure to enable data-driven business models for Industry 4.0. We transform IoT data into financial value streams and track the asset lifecycle.

Cashlink Technologies

With its blockchain-based infrastructure, Cashlink enables the issuing of digital securities.

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