FinTechs in Frankfurt Rhein-Main

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valendo – Creditshelf Solutions

Valendo is a fast provider of online asset lending. Valendo was founded by Lars Bresan and FinLeap.

VC Trade – Value Concepts

vc trade is an innovative, digital and efficient marketplace for corporate lending and as well a highly secure infrastructure which enables front-to-back transaction handling. We establishes new standards, automate workflows and make state-of-the-art technologie available to all market participants.

Vermögensheld – consdev

We offer an app for financial advice - a new customer interface for holistic financial advice from the customer's point of view, with playful knowledge transfer in a motivating and entertaining way.


VisualVest is the portal for private investment.




weclapp is a leading cloud-based provider of CRM and ERP software designed for small and medium-sized businesses.




We want to offer everyone the opportunity to keep track of their insurance policies and to be insured in a modern, carefree way. We combine the advantages of digitization with expert knowledge and personal advice to create direct added value for our customers in everything we do.

WIR Finanzierer

WIR Finanzierer offers SMEs a bank-alternative access to long-term unsecured funding via the debt capital markets. WIR Finanzierer provides investors access to a new asset class - a well-spread portfolio of thoroughly pre-selected (initially German) SMEs, each complying with strict multiple rating requirements, inter alia being rated by Euler Hermes Rating, a Bafin-accredited rating agency.

Yoursurance – Grafenberg

Yoursurance is an online comparison platform for insurance companies.




With youvestor, we have developed a new solution for the professional management of investments that offers its users a simple and transparent way to build up their assets over the long term.

Yunar – Ambidexter

YUNAR digital platform for near and beyond banking services, which helps people to make the most of their finances.

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